About Us

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Rev. Dr. Margaret (Dodie) Sheffield

Pastor Sheffield has been serving churches in Northern Maine and New Hampshire as a member of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church since 1996.

She is presently serving two area churches and is in Portland on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


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Our Church Family

Our Core Values

Love: Love is lived out and made real through our relationships with God, one another, and the wider community.

Spirituality: We develop our personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit through prayer, worship, and study.

Inclusivity: We draw the circle wider to welcome and value every child of God.

Justice: We aspire to become more aware and to work for justice in our community and our world.

Joy: Joy is an essential part of our life together.

Service: Serving one another is at the heart of our faith.

We are presently worshiping on Sundays at 22 Pleasant Avenue at 10:30am.